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54 products

  • Bende veterinarie autoadesive

    Bende veterinarie autoadesive

    Proteggete ferite chirurgiche, tagli, graffi e contusioni mentre guariscono con le bende veterinarie autoadesive di IVS. Il nostro tessuto leggero è traspirante, si allunga, comprime senza stringere e rimane al suo posto! Queste bende sono molto resistenti, il che significa che userete meno materiale per ogni rotolo. Confrontate con la concorrenza: siamo convinti che non tutte le bende sono uguali! Queste bende sono molto meglio di quelle non adesive perché sono autoadesive e non tendono a staccarsi. La fasciatura autoadesiva per veterinari non richiede adesivi o spille irritanti e non aderisce ad altre superfici come i capelli o la pelle. Non si allenta con il sudore o l'acqua. Funziona benissimo su tutti gli animali: cavalli, bovini, piccoli animali e animali domestici! Il bendaggio aiuta a proteggere la confezione del bendaggio, ad alleviare il gonfiore e a promuovere la guarigione. È la scelta ideale per tensioni e distorsioni. Può essere utilizzata anche per avvolgere le ferite degli animali domestici. Materiali morbidi e traspiranti - I materiali porosi e leggeri sono in grado di far respirare l'area ferita, favorendo la guarigione e il recupero. Ampia gamma di utilizzi - Realizzati in materiale non tessuto, traspiranti, leggeri, morbidi, meno irritanti per la pelle, sono adatti a parti del corpo come caviglie, gambe, zampe, ecc. Queste bende veterinarie autoadesive di qualità superiore sono resistenti all'abrasione e alla lacerazione, anche in presenza di animali attivi. Con un'adesione superiore, questa benda è resistente al sudore e all'acqua, ma è comunque facile da rimuovere e non si attacca alla pelle o al pelo. Comoda e facile da usare, può essere strappata a mano in modo diritto e pulito, senza bisogno di forbici. Disponibile in una varietà di colori. Autoadesivo: applicazione facile e veloce. Disponibile in colori assortiti. Strappo manuale diretto, senza bisogno di forbici. Fornisce una compressione leggera e aderisce a se stesso senza attaccarsi alla ferita. Permette alla pelle di respirare e non irrita. Ogni rotolo è composto da 4˝ x 5 yds di materiale elastico. Venduto singolarmente. Normalmente 1,40 dollari per rotolo; acquistandone 36 (2 scatole) o più, il prezzo è di 1,20 dollari ciascuno. ‍

  • Taglierina per zoccoli

    Taglierina per zoccoli

    The quality of a hoof cutter is paramount for the effective and safe trimming of animal hooves. The High-quality of our hoof cutters are designed to be sharp, durable, and comfortable to handle. They are essential tools for maintaining the hoof health of livestock such as cattle, goats, and horses. Proper hoof trimming is crucial as it prevents lameness, promotes good hoof health, and enhances animal welfare. For instance, in bovines, regular trimming can prevent conditions like overgrown hooves, cracks, and infections, which are detrimental to the animals' mobility and productivity. Similarly, for goats, using the right hoof trimmer, whether electric or manual, ensures the trimming process is hassle-free and prevents hoof rot and other bacterial foot diseases. In horses, the correct size and type of hoof nipper can provide more leverage and precision, especially for different horse breeds and hoof conditions. Therefore, selecting the right hoof cutter tailored to the specific needs of the livestock and the handler's comfort can significantly contribute to the overall health and well-being of the animals. Multi-purpose, heavy duty hoof trimmer, ideal for: cattle, sheep, horses, etc. Minimize effort with this double-action compound joint. Heavy-duty Carbon Steel Alloy. Length: 16.4˝ / 41 cm. ‍


  • Castratori senza sangue

    Castratori senza sangue

    Bloodless castrators are a significant advancement in the field of veterinary medicine, offering a less invasive method for castrating farm animals such as cattle and sheep. These devices work by crushing the spermatic cords without breaking the skin, which not only reduces the risk of infection due to the absence of an open wound but also minimizes the animal's discomfort during the procedure. The process is considered 'bloodless' because it does not involve cutting and is therefore associated with a lower risk of bleeding and other complications. The Burdizzo Castrator, have been developed to cater to different sizes and breeds of animals. The quality of these instruments is crucial, as they must apply consistent pressure to effectively interrupt blood flow to the scrotum and ensure a successful castration. Proper use of these tools requires training and understanding of the animal's anatomy to avoid incomplete castration or unnecessary harm. The benefits of using bloodless castrators include a quicker recovery time for the animal and a more straightforward procedure for the operator. However, it is essential to follow up with appropriate care and monitor the animals for any signs of complications post-procedure Bloodless castration is used primarily on cattle and sheep. Because an incision is not required in bloodless castration, there is lower risk of infection.  These tools crush the testicular cord without breaking the skin.  Available in 9˝, 14˝, 16˝ and 19˝ sizes. ‍

    $35.30 - $67.50

  • Bastoncini per la marcatura degli animali IVS

    Bastoncini per la marcatura degli animali IVS

    ESCLUSIVA IVS! ACQUISTATE IN BLOCCO A PREZZI ANCORA PIÙ BASSI! 11-49 PER $1,40 CIASCUNO; 50+ PER $1,30 CIASCUNO. Pastelli a base di cere speciali e olio di paraffina. Pigmenti di alta qualità per colori, capacità di scrittura, stabilità termica e luminosità eccellenti. Non tossici per l'uomo e gli animali. Disponibili in confezioni gialle, rosse, blu, verdi, arancioni e multicolore (2 di ogni colore in confezioni da 10).

    $1.90 - $20.50

  • Coltello per castrazione Newberry

    Coltello per castrazione Newberry

    Un modo sicuro e semplice per incidere lo scroto e facilitare la rimozione dei testicoli. Spinge i testicoli verso l'alto, posizionando il coltello sotto i testicoli. Acciaio inossidabile.


  • Vaccinatore a bottiglia

    Vaccinatore a bottiglia

    7 in stock

    Bottle Mount Vaccinators have revolutionized the way vaccinations are administered in animal care. These devices offer a high level of accuracy and efficiency, making the vaccination process quicker and more reliable. This one-handed operation increases the ease of use for the care provider and reduces the stress on the animals. The BMV's compatibility with various bottle sizes and its adjustable dosage settings make it versatile for different vaccination needs. Moreover, the BMV's design minimizes vaccine wastage, as it allows for quick bottle changes without spilling. The quality of these devices is upheld through rigorous testing in both laboratory and field settings, ensuring they meet the demanding needs of pork, beef, sheep, and dairy producers making the BMV also aids in record-keeping and quality control efforts, confirming that the correct treatments are administered and tracked efficiently. Overall, the BMV stands out as a tool that promotes animal welfare and streamlines vaccination protocols in animal husbandry. Designed for efficient and effective application of all animal health injectables, the BMV is durable and affordable. The self-contained, ergonomic one-handed unit allows full mobility, and changing dosages is easy and quick. The universal needle cup accommodates a Luer Spec needle. This vaccinator’s rugged construction makes it great for iron shots and more! FEATURES Ergonomic handle. Large dosage adjuster makes changing dosage easy. Universal Luer lock fits any needle. Economically priced. Rugged construction. Great for iron shots and much more. DOSING AMOUNTS2ML: Adjustable from 0.10 ml to 2 ml in 0.10 ml increments5ML: Adjustable from 0.50 ml to 5 ml in 0.50 ml increments10ML: Adjustable from 1.00 ml to 10 ml in 1.00 ml increments ‍

    7 in stock

    $24.50 - $28.99

  • Sale -49% Termometro veterinario digitale - Punta flessibile

    Termometro veterinario digitale - Punta flessibile

    Digital veterinary thermometers with flexible tips are essential tools for pet owners and veterinarians alike. The flexible tip ensures safety and comfort for the animal, reducing stress during the process. It's important to use these thermometers with a lubricant and a protective sheath to ensure hygiene and ease of use. Regular monitoring of a pet's temperature can help in early detection of health issues, allowing for timely veterinary intervention.  Fast response Big screen allows you to see numbers clearly.  Waterproof; Large LCD digits, range from 89.6°F-111.2°F (32 °C to 42 °C) Measurement time is about 10-30s Beep alarm Memory for last measurement Automatic power off Includes 1.5V battery and instructions ‍

    $9.90 $5.00

  • Emulatori a doppio schiacciamento di tipo bianco

    Emulatori a doppio schiacciamento di tipo bianco

    Curvo in acciaio inox. Utilizzabile per il bestiame equino. Emulatori a doppio schiacciamento.

    $35.90 - $42.50

  • Guanto OB arancione lungo la spalla Super Sensitive (scatola da 100)

    Guanto OB arancione lungo la spalla Super Sensitive (scatola da 100)

    Guanto arancione di alta qualità in polietilene morbido, lungo fino alla spalla. Super sensibile. Ideale per le cliniche veterinarie. Confezione da 100 pezzi


  • 8˝ Forbici curve con becco a becco - Acciaio inossidabile

    8˝ Forbici curve con becco a becco - Acciaio inossidabile

    The 8" Curved Fetlock Scissors are a specialized tool designed for precision in grooming horses. Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, these scissors feature a satin finish that not only adds to their aesthetic appeal but also ensures durability for long-lasting performance. The slight curve of the blade is purposefully engineered to facilitate ease of use, allowing for smooth and precise cuts around the fetlocks and other challenging areas without causing discomfort to the animal. Ideal for trimming up heels and managing hairy legs, these scissors are a sensible addition to any horse owner's grooming kit. Their design reflects a deep understanding of equine grooming needs, ensuring that the task can be performed efficiently and safely Essential horse grooming tools extend beyond the fetlock scissors to include a variety of implements designed to keep the horse clean and comfortable. An IVS hoof pick is crucial for maintaining hoof health by removing debris and preventing infections. IVS Curry combs, whether rubber or plastic, are used to loosen dirt and stimulate the skin. Stiff brushes, also known as dandy brushes, help remove the dirt brought to the surface by the curry comb, while soft brushes are used for a final sweep to give the coat a shiny finish. Mane and tail brushes are necessary for detangling and smoothing the longer hair, and a shedding blade can be invaluable during seasonal changes when horses shed their coats. Additionally, a small towel or sponge may be used for cleaning the face or other sensitive areas, ensuring a thorough grooming session that contributes to the overall well-being of the horse Grooming your horse is an essential part of equine care, contributing not only to the animal's cleanliness but also to its overall health and the strength of your bond. The recommended frequency of grooming can vary depending on several factors, including whether your horse is in work or not. For working horses, daily grooming is ideal, as it helps to ensure that the tack fits comfortably, prevents irritation from dirt during riding, and can be a rewarding experience post-exercise. Horses that are not in regular work should be groomed at least three times a week to maintain good hygiene and to check for any health issues. Regardless of their work status, it's beneficial to run your hands over your horse daily to monitor their condition and to strengthen your connection with them. Stainless steel curved scissors, ideal for trimming the horses face and fetlocks. FEATURES:  Ergonomic grip Stainless Steel Rugged construction ‍




    Questo inzuppatore automatico regolabile è adatto alla maggior parte degli inzuppamenti e delle soluzioni. Può essere acquistato da solo o come kit, che comprende un contenitore a zaino da 2,5 litri. Applicare olio al silicone dopo ogni utilizzo per mantenere il funzionamento regolare. La configurazione KIT (02-DR20CCKIT) comprende un contenitore a zaino da 2,5 litri. Caratteristiche: si riempie automaticamente. - Impugnatura e leva in lega di alluminio. - Ugello in acciaio inox antigoccia. Canne trasparenti. - Viene fornito con canula, kit di lavaggio e tubo. Utilizzate questa siringa per vaccinare o disinfestare gli animali dai parassiti interni. Si ricarica da sola tra un'iniezione e l'altra grazie a un tubo di plastica (incluso) che può essere fissato allo zaino o alla bottiglia. Può essere utilizzato con aghi per trasformarlo in vaccinatore con tubo di alimentazione. Include luer lock in metallo da utilizzare con qualsiasi ago monouso o riutilizzabile. Include una canula da utilizzare come inzuppatore orale. Materiali duri, di lunga durata. Usi comuni Per vaccinare e inzuppare animali di medie e grandi dimensioni. Personalizzazione Venduto come siringa per la vaccinazione, ma è possibile aggiungere un beccuccio (incluso) per l'inzuppamento. Include: siringa per innaffiare, tubo, cannula, set di o'ring. Può essere utilizzato con uno zaino (venduto separatamente).

    $67.00 - $92.30

  • Guanto OB trasparente lungo la spalla 1-1/4 ML

    Guanto OB trasparente lungo la spalla 1-1/4 ML

    Veterinarians use OB clear shoulder gloves for a variety of procedures that require cleanliness and precision. These gloves are essential during the birthing process of large animals, where they help in examining and assisting with the delivery. They are also used in artificial insemination procedures, providing the necessary sensitivity and dexterity. The gloves' shoulder-length coverage ensures that veterinarians are protected, maintaining a sterile environment as much as possible. The clear material of the gloves allows for better visibility, ensuring that the veterinarian can see and feel what they are doing, which is crucial for the safety and health of the animal being treated.  These gloves are typically made from high-quality polyethylene fiber, which ensures maximum strength and optimal sensitivity, allowing veterinarians to perform delicate tasks effectively. The shoulder-length design provides extensive coverage, safeguarding against contamination during invasive procedures. With a thickness of 1.25 mil and a length of 36 inches, these gloves strike a balance between durability and tactile feel, which is crucial for both the safety of the animal and the precision of the veterinary work. High quality 1-1/4 mil disposable five-finger sanitary obstetrical gloves. 36 in. length. Packed 100 per handy dispenser type box.(shoulder length). 1-1⁄4 mil thickness ‍



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