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Prodotti per la cura degli animali

135 products

  • Pasta per decorticare Dr. Naylor®, 4 oz.

    Pasta per decorticare Dr. Naylor®, 4 oz.

    La pasta per decornazione Dr. Naylor serve a prevenire la crescita delle corna. Rapida, sicura ed economica. Una sola applicazione è sufficiente per i vitelli giovani. Dosaggio: Applicare non appena si avverte il bottone del corno, da 3 a 7 giorni di età. Contenuto: 4 oz.


  • Magnete per mucche FerriMAX™ per impieghi gravosi

    Magnete per mucche FerriMAX™ per impieghi gravosi

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    La malattia da ferramenta è un problema serio causato dall'ingestione di frammenti di filo metallico provenienti da recinzioni, chiodi e viti. Questi frammenti metallici affilati possono perforare l'intestino o finire nel flusso sanguigno e infine raggiungere il cuore e altri organi vitali. I magneti per mucche FerriMAX™ offrono una prevenzione semplice ed economica delle malattie da ferramenta. SPECIALE: 1-11 magneti: $2,60 l'uno / 12 + magneti: $2,45 l'uno Caratteristiche di FerriMax™ Gruppo di ferrite e acciaio ad anelli per la massima forza e attrazione Il magnete più forte sul mercato Facile da somministrare Cappucci e anelli in acciaio lucidato Dimensioni: 3-1/8" x 3/4" (18,5mm x 79mm)

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  • Spazzola da massaggio flessibile in polietilene

    Spazzola da massaggio flessibile in polietilene

    The Flexible Polyteen Massage Brush is a versatile tool designed for the care of livestock, particularly for removing deep-seated dirt and loose hairs. Its flexible polyteen bristles are gentle yet effective, making it suitable for regular grooming to maintain the animal's coat health. Additionally, the brush features special guards for finger protection and an adjustable hand strap to accommodate any hand size, ensuring comfort and safety during use. While primarily intended for livestock, similar brushes are also available for pets like cats and dogs, and even for human hair care, offering detangling benefits and scalp massages. The quality of such brushes is often reflected in their durability and the comfort they provide during grooming sessions. When selecting a massage brush, it's important to consider the type of bristles, the flexibility of the brush head, and the ergonomic design of the handle for ease of use Flexible and  comfortable hand grip makes it easy to groom. Durable polyteen bristles are designed to remove deep-seated dirt and loose hairs. Finger protection, special guard and adjustable hand strap fits any size hand. Color may vary ‍


  • Kit di coltelli per zoccoli

    Kit di coltelli per zoccoli

    A Hoof Knife Kit is an essential tool for equine hoof care, designed for trimming away loose and dried out sole or ragged frogs between farrier visits. The quality of these knives is paramount, as they must be durable enough to withstand the rigors of hoof trimming while maintaining a sharp edge for clean cuts. High-quality hoof knives typically feature sturdy blades and ergonomic handles for comfortable use. Proper use involves cleaning the hoof with a wire brush before trimming to remove debris and prevent dulling the blade. It's important to use these tools with caution and keep them well-maintained for the best results in hoof care. This multi-use knife set with blade variations meets all hoof cropping requirements. ‍Features• Kit includes 6 interchangeable hoof blades plus universal handle.• Blades can be changed easily with the quick release secure mechanism.• Blades are perfectly sharpened and are ready to use.• Comes in an attractive leather pouch.• Premium Quality Stainless Steel and strong screw system secures blade in wooden handle.• Ergonomic wooden handle fits comfortably in users palm. ‍


  • Picchetto per zoccoli con spazzola

    Picchetto per zoccoli con spazzola

    Durable 6 1/4˝ long plastic handle with stiff bristles and a steel hoof pick. Item color may vary due to manufacturer's color variations of this product. ‍


  • Coltello da zoccolo a lama larga per mano sinistra

    Coltello da zoccolo a lama larga per mano sinistra

    A wide blade hoof knife designed for left-handed use is an essential tool for equine hoof care. Its broad blade is crafted to efficiently remove excess sole and trim the frog, which is vital for maintaining a horse's hoof health. The quality of such knives is paramount, as they must maintain a sharp edge for clean and precise cuts. IVS offers knives with ergonomic wooden handles that provide a comfortable grip for the farrier, ensuring both safety and ease of use. Regular maintenance, including sharpening, is necessary to keep the knife in optimal condition. For left-handed individuals, having a knife specifically designed for their use can significantly enhance the effectiveness and comfort of hoof trimming tasks. Hoof Knife with contoured polished steel blade and hardwood handle.  ‍


  • Unghia per maniscalco per cavalli

    Unghia per maniscalco per cavalli

    La pinza a coccodrillo blocca i chiodi dopo che sono stati tagliati a misura.


  • Hoof Knife w/Double Edge Blade

    Hoof Knife w/Double Edge Blade

    A hoof knife with a double-edged blade is a versatile tool used in farrier for the maintenance of horse hooves. Crafted from special tool steel for durability and precision, these knives are designed to last longer than ordinary knives and maintain a sharp edge for clean, smooth cuts. The double-edged design allows for use in both hands, which can help reduce wrist stress. It's essential for trimming away loose and dried-out sole or ragged frogs between farrier visits. However, caution is advised as the blades are very sharp; it's important not to cut into live flesh as it may cause soreness or bleeding. Regular sharpening is recommended to ensure the knife performs well during hoof trimming, which is key for good hoof health Hoof Knife with contoured polished steel blades and hardwood handle designed to provide maximum leverage and pressure. Double edge knife. ‍


  • Biberon per maiali IVS Nursery & Fattening Button

    Biberon per maiali IVS Nursery & Fattening Button

    Vi presentiamo la tettarella IVS® 1/2˝ per l'abbeveratoio della nursery! Gli abbeveratoi per suini della serie IVS da 1/2˝ sono realizzati in acciaio inox per una maggiore durata. La qualità costruttiva di questi abbeveratoi garantisce un funzionamento affidabile e senza problemi per gli anni a venire. - Acciaio inossidabile- Riduce il consumo d'acqua; i suini ne versano meno- Gli animali possono bere in una posizione naturale- L'esclusivo design a sfera rende la valvola autopulente

    $7.90 - $17.70

  • Pettine grande in gomma per curry

    Pettine grande in gomma per curry

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    Questo pettine in gomma nera morbida aiuta a rimuovere il fango e a sciogliere lo sporco per una toelettatura rapida. Ottimo per i cavalli! Nero

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  • Mini acchiappacani

    Mini acchiappacani

    Appositamente progettato per la movimentazione di piccoli suini. Realizzato in cavo pesante con impugnatura in gomma. Lunghezza totale 16˝ (40,6 cm).


  • Tazza per immersione con capezzolo senza ritorno

    Tazza per immersione con capezzolo senza ritorno

    Angolata per raggiungere più facilmente i quartieri posteriori Questa tazza è dotata di un labbro anti-schizzo che impedisce agli agenti contaminanti di fluire nell'immersione non utilizzata.



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